Friday, April 3, 2009

Boston...seriously, wtf?

Ok, first of all let me say that i don't hate everything Boston related. There are some nice things in the actual city of Boston and it can be a nice place to visit. With that said....


First off, the accent. Seriously wtf is with adding and deleting R's at random intervals during speech?? "this is a nice arear", "let's get some paster and pizzer then hit the bah", "gimme that soder, I'm thirsty", "it's mahtch manier at Milfud toyoter", "that cah doesn't belong heah".

Yeah..."heah". Let's just add some syllables to words, they don't have enough and it's so much easier to say! "hey theah!", "look ovah theah", "I just stahted tha cah and sar smoke comin outta theah", "did you heah what I said?", "let's grab a beah".

The list goes on and on... "Red Saux", "I'll give it a shaut",etc.

Secondly, what is Boston famous for? Outside of the historical things that have happened here, there's clam chowder (chowda), sports teams (historically crap until recently), and eh...not much else. Having eaten at many places that declare their chowder to be "the best in Boston", I have to say that you can get chowder just as good in just about any city. What makes it special here? Not a damn thing. It's the same stuff you can get in any restaurant in any place.

Thirdly, yes thirdly....
Why do these "new englanders" feel the need to act angry all the time? Seriously it's just silly these fake attitudes towards everyone, especially "out-of-towners". Yes California is better than you, yes most of the country is, but we aren't rubbing it in your face so stop being so angry at us.
Huge inferiority complex.

As I said at the start of this. In the city itself, it can be nice. Most of the issues come from the outskirts and suburbs of the city, most of which are low income and uneducated. They claim Boston though, so I add them to the pot.

I could go on for days about this but I don't want to wear out my patience for typing. Feel free to add to these comments or whine, whatever makes your clock spin.